Michael Gerardi

Believe it or not, little girl. Facts are stubborn things. And since I use my real name when posting, they are easily verifiable. Even by someone as brain-dead, arrogant and disconnected as you.

No, I think I'll stick around for the next eight years and watch you melt, little snowflake.

Republican Congress + Republican Senate = Impeachment.

"Stupid, ueducated, easily swayed", eh? Cupcake, I have a degree from MIT, a JD from the University of Georgia School of Law, and a stack of patents that you are probably incapable of reading.

Republican House + Republican Senate = Impeachment.

Coming from human WASTE, that sounds like a compliment. Enjoy the next eight years of safety pins and coloring books. Meanwhile, we will be enjoying your pain.

And it just keeps getting better. I especially enjoy your reference to a "little reality bubble". That's almost as hilarious as your invocation of adult comportment. It is melting leftie snowflakes who live in a bubble and can't seem to act as anything other than spoiled whiny brats. Oh, and that bubble? REAL

The only "unfit person" elected as POTUS was that worthless community organizer and half-Kenyan impostor, the worst President EVER. The Clintoris was the worst CANDIDATE ever. She couldn't even beat the guy you snowflakes call a "narcissistic sociopath".

Please, by all means LEAVE. But quit the head-fakes, stop the empty promises, and DO IT. Get out. NOW. REAL Americans have had enough of you libturds. We don't want to live in the same country with the likes of you. #MAGA

None of you anti-American losers are needed, wanted, or welcome. In one month, PRESIDENT TRUMP will be calling the shots, and you will be on the outside looking in, crying your little snowflake eyes out, and looking for a safe space to play with your coloring books. #MAGA