No, that is one of the bases of their satire being important. It is the easiest thing in the world to pick a side and then make fun of the other. It is way harder to stake your own space and have to defend it.
No, that is one of the bases of their satire being important. It is the easiest thing in the world to pick a side and then make fun of the other. It is way harder to stake your own space and have to defend it.
All responded to. Again, you're done here.
Looks like you typed first without checking your premises. Again.
"I'm starting to think and even more given your other answer that you may have deep rooted confidence problems and are ridden with complexes about your intelligence so you know what? I'm going to be super nice."
You haven't provided any nuance. And, by all means, leave.
"Racism is a product of the complex interaction in a given society of a race-based worldview with prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination."
"Okay so you literally have nothing to say."
"Edit: Actually you know what let's back up, I sometimes read things so blatantly dense I black out and forget what was said and who I'm dealing with."
Let's address your previous nonsense first. I know you wanted people not to see what you just wrote, because it was stupid, but I have it saved for posterity.
What kind of question is "what exactly does this definition gives (sic) us more than mine (sic) aside from the capacity for you to keep pretending 'racism against white people' exists?"
CGI, I was a libertarian Film major and Business minor at an East Coast state university, and I was considered very right-wing by most of my classmates there. Later, I was an agnostic MBA student at the business school of a Christian university out west, and I was considered a godless liberal heathen by some of my…
No one is "desperate." And it is a fact that anyone can be racist. It sounds as if no one ever taught you what racism means. Perhaps you don't own a dictionary or never have consulted one online. No worries; I did it for you.
One rule: at least attempt to make an argument that makes sense. You haven't done that so far.
Did that make sense in your head before you typed it out, or are you just linking words together like refrigerator magnet poetry?
Racism is in no way predicated on social power. That is a gigantic lie. It absolutely lies in beliefs and attitudes. Minorities viciously hating white people are racists (and bigots). That is inarguable.
It's the easiest thing in the world to pick a side and carry water for it. It's much more courageous to chart your own course according to your intellect and convictions.
Not at all. It is very much a radical position. When almost everyone else in the world is partisan (and, usually, hypocritically so), it is refreshing. If you think South Park is "toothless," you either aren't paying attention or don't want to admit that people who disagree with your mentality can be great satirists.
"Again, copying the entire body of my text is really unnecessary. And are you unfamiliar with the use of italics? It's a pretty simple process. But as you are obviously a beginner at this, I'll let it slide."
How do you figure that?
"You really didn't have to copy the entirety of my text in order to refute it. Is this your first time arguing on the AV Club?"