Michael Dinsmore

I laughed and laughed at that. I don't recall the line from the books, but it perfectly captures the Hound. Swords are tools to him, and he's one of the best mechanics, but he has no sentimentality about the endeavor. It'd be like a carpenter naming his hammer.

Cannibals? Do we know that from this ep, or is that from outside (comic) knowledge?

I called her "blondie". And Maggie is usually "Glenn's wife".

Rotten tomatoes has this at 11%. Compared to the B above, it's very weird—either Vishnevetsky gets it and no one else does, or he loves weird things.

Can someone explain to me, what is the Hound's job?  It was never clear from the books.  It appears to a an office of station, like The Hand, but I couldn't figure out what it was—personal bodyguard to the heir apparent?

I always pictured her as way more butch.  Like short cropped hair and piercings.

Because, obviously, HBO has to get one scene with tits in per ep.  The only alternative this ep would have been Sansa's.  On balance, I rather Sansa have been spared that scene.

Someone stealing her dragons always seemed like the obvious thing to do.  What do you do when three invaluable possessions are guarded by perhaps only 20 people, in a hostile city?  I always wondered that while reading, and I think the series has corrected GRRM's mistake.

One of the comments was that the tunnel didn't collapse on orders from "upstairs", iow that it didn't collapse was a deliberate event.

@avclub-e3019767b1b23f82883c9850356b71d6:disqus :  I don't watch a lot of horror, I guess I think it's too silly.

Really?  I don't believe I jumped once.  The conspiracy angle rather deadened the fear factor, as designed.  All I took away from it was a clever deconstruction of horror, but as horror itself it didn't work at all.

I was disappointed in that scene where the jock was killed, as it broke the trope that they were living in until that point.

so btw:

So, uh, how to ask.

I still can't make it through Sid & Nancy without making out with whomever I'm with.  I've tried several times.

What's a "real wife"?

I have to agree.  There's just no way I'm going to go near this.  It looks treacly to fatal levels, released on Christmas, so we can all feel good about ourselves.

I'll come here always after watching a movie.  I call the experience "learning what I thought about it."

I'm depressed that you saw these as a kid.

Is it ok to be turned on by "tearful blowjob"?