Michael Dinsmore

This is a terrible, boring, condescending movie. It is condescending, because it purports to show how much grace there is in ordinary lives. That's condescending, because if you already live an ordinary life, like most people, you already know that it has moments of grace and humor and you don't need to be told that.

Fantastic answer, thank you!

This episode brings up so many questions, but the basic one is: could the USSR ever have been a legitimate enemy of the US if they were that dependent on US grain imports? Like, the first thing that would happen during a hot war is that the US would proceed to embargo the USSR, and millions would die of starvation.

*Clementine will remember that*

As someone who has played their share of MMORPGs: the biggest issue I have with the show so far, is that if you allow players ("guests") the ability to create destruction without consequences, the entire environment would be razed to the ground inside of 5 minutes.

I turned it off almost at the same place. I picked up the clicker when a girl has knife put through her hand and then turns around and fucks the guy. I mean, c'mon. If I was a detective or a jury I wouldn't believe anything about that to be consensual, and the writers had to really make a stretch to position it as

Concur. This appears to be a set up for an indictment of the justice system for leaping to conclusions about an innocent man, frankly I can't fault the system for doing so. If I was presented the facts as we know them, without the camera perspective, I would come to the conclusion that Nasir was guilty myself. And

It also depends on believing that there are women in the world who are aroused after having a knife stuck through their hand.

Same here. This was clearly meant to be art house fap worthy, but the conceit that the protagonist is innocent and this is somehow a travesty of justice is ridiculous. The coincidence of events that occurred that make him look guilty while perhaps he didn't technically commit the murder himself are too much to

Which kinda begs the question: if/when Martin finishes the books, why read them? He can pretty much assume that any book readers have also been watching the show and will be spoiled.

Yeah, I agree. I went in expecting wire fu sword fights, and got that + outsize comic book characters and villains. The outsize characters were more than I expected, as was having the protag actually work for the nearest bad guy. I continue to be entertained.

Actually morningstars iirc. Is there a difference between a morningstar and a flail?

"on the basis of it being a 'character study' in how people would react to implausible, made-up bullshit".

They held them in high regard because they missed them as people, not because they were necessarily great people. Just like we memorialize the 9/11 victims, even though tbh they were mostly hedge fund managers who'd be likely to punch in the face if we met them in life.

I think Barristan's exit clears the path for Mormont to return to Dany's court with Tyrion.

I'm glad to see that Amy has developed a political conscious, and apparently intends to use her bully pulpit during an election year.

Movies expect to be taken seriously, and they're just as bad. Grand Theft Auto has no more, and no less, to do with reality than Transformers.

I knew this series was something special when I watched her face after Mal incorrectly concludes that Inara actually was seduced as well.

I knew this series was something special when I watched her face after Mal incorrectly concludes that Inara actually was seduced as well.

I'd say this movie was less about making a comeback, than why the actor personally feels the need to make a comeback.