Michael Darer


his only requirement is that a character mention he didn't go to university at least every five lines of dialogue

idk this continues to be bush league YOURE THE WORST, and it's impossible to care about either of them for more than a third of an episode. It's fine to have unlikable, complicated characters but there's zero rooting interest here.

don't worry finn! fans hate your show too 😀

yo yt ppl get so tight & salty when woc try to validate or love themselves. yall messy & u tryin to hide behind flimsy logic to disguise the fact that beyonce bein a black woman motivates ur outrage is insanely obvious. no one fooled

crosby will always be the thirstiest musician on the planet

oh it's always gonna the bleeding hearts show by the new pornographers for me. the back half of that song like exemplifies goosebumps

so i'm simultaneously inferring too much&needing too much spelled out? idk dude why is it such a problem for you that someone doesn't like how something is portrayed on screen? maybe i'm tired of seeing shit my loved ones go through reduced to the same shit again and again. maybe if a show wants to engage with…

if this ridicule changes into a discussion about the angels i'll be less inclined to assume people are actually concerned about these women. furthermore the vast majority of the ridicule has no interest in the angels at all. it's one thing to say, "this part of this person's life should be scrutinized & accounted…

i addressed this already. people have said, i among them, that this was far worse than we've seen before.

i'm sorry if part of this is repetition cause i sent a comment earlier that's not showing up so i'm just gonna retype part of it here, plus a little extra.

1) i think brangelina is a bad example b/c of the likelihood that any of these comments will get to the subjects. whether they're aggressively shitty or simply snarky, brad and angelina aren't managing their own social media. they're insulated.

i honestly did not feel like this was in line w the degree of selfishness&narcissism we've seen before. intentionally or not they ramped it up for this episode

are you trying to argue that it's only possible to condemn one or the other? cause i don't see MY seen as a martyr for free speech by the mainstream. he's generally seen as a really shitty person. and yes it's absolutely necessary to continue to vehemently condemn the sort of abuse Milo and his ilk have monetized but…

yeah. not feeling this at all. it feels like they're squandering all the goodwill from the back end of last season by turning gretchen's depression into sociopathy. it's one thing to have a character whose mental illness makes him or her have trouble forging honest and open connections. it's another to conflate that…

I mean this seems pretty ironic coming from a site where most videos including trans women refer to them as "ladyboys," or "shemales."

So…the anti-Twinkie defense?