
I was about 11 when the show came out, and I remember thinking he was pretty awesome.

I was about 11 when the show came out, and I remember thinking he was pretty awesome.

Wesley Crusher wasn't so bad. What the fuck, internet?

Wesley Crusher wasn't so bad. What the fuck, internet?

I was going to sign up for HBO for the first time just before the second season started, but it would have been 70/month for cable alone. Which is nuts.

All of the commenters dumping on Maher should watch him respond to a 9/11 truther heckler in his audience, when he stops the show to scream at the guy, "Do I have some fucking security in this building, or do I have to come over and kick this guys's ass out of here!" - which he proceeds to do. http://www.youtube.com/wa

Savage gives great sex advice. My issue with him was his pretty hysterical condemnation of Obama before the 2010 election - basically telling his readers not to send money or support the democrats because they hadn't advanced enough gay rights. It's a cause I firmly believe in, but I thought it was destructive and

There are dozens of wonderful twists and surprises coming up. If you want to be surprised (and it's so worth it) DO NOT google these characters.

I wish there was a way to re-scramble time and see what kind of movie Fincher would make now.

I disagree. The original edit of Aliens is so much better. Adding in those scenes with the family on the planet in the beginning is such crap. It is so much better if you'd don't know what happened until the Marines arrive on the planet.

actually, the show is usually a lot more intelligent now. Very few clueless celebrities dumbing it down.

The game is pretty stunning for me on ps3, but I'm sure the pc is better. The trees are my favorite, they all blow in the wind, and when they get hit by rockets, they whip around faster.

I agree with you on the awesomeness of Wolfenstein back in the day. I've been playing BFBC2 all year, and a ton of BF3 this week, and I have to say, this is best multiplayer I've played in many years. The choppers in particular were frustrating to learn, but the pay off has been wonderful.