Michael Cody Pfeiffer

Dr Gugong is brother to Wide Wale, I wonder if he knows who's responsible… And what he's doing to get revenge. Dr Dugong used to be Douglas Ang, and he had a brother, they studied see creatures, but Douglas preferred researching the gentle sea cow, then cuttlefish, and now we find his brother liked whales at some

Does that bar him from OSI heaven, Col. Hunter Gathers?

Do you remember the photo of Rusty and The Monarch as a boy playing together, with Dr V, possibly Mrs. V, and Blue Morpho together? I think Mrs. V is also Monarch's dad, they're brothers because Dr. V and BM were swingers and they knocked up the same gal. I don't know how this works with Jonas Jr being in the mix and

Anyone else notice the "In the pipe, five by five" when Cameron descends to randy Newman depths? Anyone else super psyched a Starcraft reference was snuck in like that? I am.

Anyone else notice the "In the pipe, five by five" when Cameron descends to randy Newman depths? Anyone else super psyched a Starcraft reference was snuck in like that? I am.