Michael Clouse


The Darkness are so very underrated.

Great analysis, though I would argue that he jumped pretty darn good to escape from the giant creature with Ashi on his back in episode 4. Right before the jelllyfish…thing pops, it's emphasized that it's still a long way up to the rapidly closing exit, and he clears it with quite a bit of additional air.

#6 if you count De Facto and Omar's solo stuff that Cedric appeared on.

Agreed. I'm hoping that it addresses how little time they actually spend doing their jobs, and on a meta-level, how the show's focus has spiraled completely away from its original premise.

He sleeps in her bed as part of a bet she lost in the suburbs episode last season. They're not giving him a place to stay out of kindness.

There are a few examples that really stood out to me: Not clicking his heels together when the rest of the gang is at the end, not really clapping in sync with them, constantly being out of step or moving in the opposite direction as everyone else in the full group shots. I can't decide if it's because Devito is

Danny Devito being out of step with the rest of the gang's choreography is never not funny. I'd highly recommend rewatching the episode focusing on Frank in all the songs.

Yes! I didn't even think about this, but I've worked under CEOs who have been exactly like this. Now I'm curious to see if his inevitable denouement as CEO of Pied Piper continues to match those beats.

Nice try, Joel Hodgson.