Michael Caffee

"NBC is pondering just how to harness its popularity."

Hey, to each their own regarding which characters they find entertaining, especially in a TV show. I guess my dislike of Daryl Crowe was less about Rappaport's performance, and more about the notion that he just wasn't that formidable, and seemed outclassed when Raylan and his allies really threw their weight against

"Colony" is great. AVC doesn't review "Black Sails" either, so chalk up two underrated shows that they've arbitrarily decided not to pay attention to.

He was fantastic throughout, but his work in the last few episodes of the show were particularly fantastic. I'll never forget that scene in the finale. Goggins absolutely nailed his role, down to the very end.

Season five wasn't atrocious by any means, since even some of the lowest points of Justified beat out 99% of what's on television. It definitely had a few enjoyable parts, specifically the interplay between Boyd and Wynn, as well as letting us see Alicia Witt onscreen. That being said, I still think it jumped around

Jim Bob Cooter?

Lincoln made a mistake—it was really someone else's cancer.

I think he's got a role in "iZombie" as well, so he's not wanting for work nowadays. That being said, it wouldn't be the same without Robert Knepper.


Just out of curiosity, what's your favorite season? A lot of people say season two, which is competely understandable. The whole Bennett storyline was great, not to mention Mags being an incredible villain. I personally give a slight edge to season three though, just because I loved how sickeningly dark Quarles was as

He easily could have gotten a nomination for his work in the final season, but both he and Olyphant were snubbed big time (along with Matthew Rhys on another FX show, but…let's not get into that right now). I believe they each only got nominated once for "Justified," and the only people to win Emmys on the show were

I still haven't gotten over it myself.

"The Accountant" was frigging incredible, still one of the best short films I've ever seen.

Hearing Goggins say the word "fucker" somehow makes it sound even funnier.

"Well, I suppose if I allow myself to be sentimental, despite all that has occurred, there is one thing I wander back to."

As Evelyn Beatrice Hall once said, "I do not agree with what you have to say, Walton Goggins is the best."

Not to cause a conflict here or anything, but I believe you may be incorrect. It depends what you mean by "featured," but from looking at both the Wikipedia and Boardwalk Empire Wiki pages on Chalky, MKW is credited for six episodes—and I know for a fact he appears in more than one. He plays a more integral role in

Lovely cinematography.

I'd pretty much do anything if Christina Hendricks asked me with that accent and called me "sugar."

I think he gets more confident and secure as the film goes on, seeing as how he's a sort of "vessel" for the audience in terms of his climb up the corporate ladder. That being said, you're right that something about his character seems off—especially in the beginning. He's so shaky and insecure in "Been a Long Day,"