Michael Caffee

"I got a season two. He got a season two. EVERYBODY got a season two!"

I give "comedy pilot offers from broadcast networks" half a star.

I thought that was the original strategy with "Mortdecai."

I guess this time you die before you see "Rings."

How can they hear the truth above the roar?

My man Nathan Lane finally making an appearance! I'll admit, it's great to see him in a more understated role like this. However, I wouldn't object to him breaking out in song in the middle of an episode, preferably as an irreverent Broadway producer or a 1930s burlesque performer. Would definitely jazz things up, but

You play guitar? Much respect. I used to gig at a few bars and concert halls around the Philadelphia area. Played guitar with a small jazz group, and subbed in on bass sometimes. Don't play as much nowadays, though (which I should really change).

I'd prefer to keep that undercover.

Alan Sepinwall's interview with Jack Huston after the season four finale, when (SPOILER, I guess) Harrow is killed, touched on that: http://www.hitfix.com/whats…. Huston remarks that they "wanted Richard not to go on and on and on for seasons where one could maybe not get bored of him, but there is a chance of it

Fair enough, that joke seemed a little odd. Still, I thought Romano's performance was pretty great. Definitely the funniest character in the show so far. The "two of them were Dutch" comment after Led Zeppelin's manager's tirade against the Germans was one of the best lines of the episode.

I still find "Boardwalk Empire" to be a bit underrated when compared to similar prestige TV shows of the modern era. You can nitpick about Steve Buscemi's ability to be a leading man, how it lost steam near the end of its run, etc. (Those two are some of the main criticisms I've heard from people who dislike it.) But

I agree. We can add that movie to what I call "Club Biutiful."

Much less awkward watching her here than in "Killer Joe." That was a strange viewing experience.

I don't know if it was Ato Essandoh himself who played Lester Grimes' blues solo at that bar, or someone else who pre-recorded it for the scene. But whoever it was…damn. That dude's got some serious skills. There's nothing in the world like a great blues guitar solo—especially with a whammy bar.

"Madonna mia! You fuckin' serious, officer? I was only goin' 70 in a 65! Pezzo di merda…"

If I were a traffic cop, that sultry paisan would only have to bat those big brown eyes at me, and I'd just let him off with a warning.

Or Bobby.

I liked how Juno Temple's character expertly utilized Bobby Cannavale's favorite negotiating tactic: bone-for-tunes-a.

I think Ruben has done a good enough job of humiliating himself on his own. Besides, Josh has been spending most of his time insulting Doug Pederson…who has yet to even coach a football game in Philadelphia.

I didn't want to get into this with my initial post. But now it may be necessary to inform everyone: this is the same guy who, a few months back, had the single most random sports radio rant I've ever heard in my life (and that's saying something) about lesbianism. Specifically how, since lesbians "have to buy sex