Michael Caffee

Can I heckle from my house? Am I still eligible for that five grand? I can record it for proof.

I've always said SNL's downfall would be relying too much on 17 year-old writers. I mean, they're not gonna give you their full attention. They've got English papers to finish by Monday.

I'd get on that Bjork, but right now I'm in the middle of this huge space war.

Hey, his last wish was to see a bikini-clad Alice Eve in a pointless scene. I'd say he got it. By the way, that's the real reason they put it in the movie. Lindelof's just very good at keeping secrets.

Of the many topics that "Fargo" deftly dives into (mankind's propensity for violence, morality vs. amorality, etc.), my favorite is still men's attitude toward women's appendages up their butts.

I too am posing the query of why you're "even bothering," considering you've seemingly stayed on this thread just to continue to cause contention. It's obvious that a great majority here, including myself, disagree with the fundamental ideas behind your posts.

Let's just hope Conor has a good ground game, I hear The Mountain has some pretty slick takedowns.

Fortunately, eye pokes are forbidden in MMA.

Trash-talking your way to a title shot works with the neighbor's cat too?

He's an incredible actor and singer. I hope we get to see him in more theater/TV/film productions in the near future, since he has all the talent in the world.

"I have to be hard on these men. They have to know who's boss."

Time is a fisting circle.

I hear Shia LaBeouf is pretty good with accents.

Never has my space bar been used so much during a video. Well, never with both hands on the keyboard anyway.

I don't know. For me, the collaboration between Happy Robert Jones and Sad Robert Jones will always be the best.

The jokes were funny as hell, but there were so many great aesthetic touches as well. Loved the birds that flew out from the gas station after it blew up in the intro, which then went on to set the surrounding palm trees on fire. Pizzaz's flashback had some cool art direction, and her dad's windshield wipers on the

"I looooove my WaveTech 9000…"

"I hope nobody sees this tape. God, I hope I'm not watching it right now. Pizzaz is probably staring at me with that stupid, angry glare thing she does. Dazzle, if you're watching this: hang in there, buddy. Don't let that crazy bitch—"

Is she out of jail yet?

Jim Beaver is apparently getting more work now, which is great to see. He had a fairly prominent role in the new Guillermo del Toro movie "Crimson Peak," and has a few more projects on the way.