Michael Caffee

I did. Thought it was very funny, it just never seemed to garner an audience.

She was very funny, but I think most of the hilarity came with the way they edited her interview to LEAST coincide with what Space Ghost was talking about at the time. Or at the very least, create random nonsensical moments. Which was their forte a lot of the time, but was especially hilarious here. Easily one of

Was that Aqua Unit Patrol Squad 1? That's one of my favorite seasons. Had some classic episodes like "Lasagna" (my gosh that was so demented). And of course "Last Dance for Napkin Lad," which will go down as one of Aqua Teen's most bizarre, nonsensical, yet hilariously entertaining episodes of all time. A great theme

"Nearly," eh? Well it's good that you didn't go through with it. You don't want to marry your computer monitor. Then you'll have to lie to it, tell it you're dealing with space wars just to get out of the house. And let's not even talk about eating sulfur.

"Not anymore. We're done talkin'."

I'm torn when it comes to the overly absurdist/surreal stuff like Superjail. On the one hand, the art direction is very cool, especially when you're watching after having consumed stuff that Nancy Reagan warned us about. Plus they tend to be pretty amusing. On the other, like you I agree that I can't watch a lot of

"I'm a kniiiiife. Knifin' arouuuuund. Cutcutcutcutcutcutcutcutcutcut…"

This article is wonderful, thank you so much for taking the time to write it. I did feel that, for all it's done for Adult Swim (not to mention its longevity), that the end of Aqua Teen as a series was sort of "glossed over," for lack of a better word. This and a few other media outlets covered it, but it was

"Yo Gomie, what happened to my Domie?"

Rikki tikki tavi, bitch!

Lord knows that if you want to get a critically-lauded and very successful show canceled, you go to Tumblr. We can make a difference.

Now that's a Blim Blam mic-drop moment if I've ever heard one.

Oh man, that scene was brutal to watch. You just knew that bonding with that serial killer was going to lead Dutch to do something horrifically weird, but I did not see that coming.

Another good guess.

Works for me. I've heard great things so far, can't wait.

I haven't seen such tree-hating on Adult Swim since that Aqua Teen episode. And that was back in the day.

Glancing at some of your other comments, you seem to be complaining about the subject matter of this episode, as well as the fact that people enjoyed it so much (unless you've just been being sarcastic, in which case: nice job). I have no idea how you feel about the series as a whole. But just dealing with this

Rest in Peace, Wes.

I love the intro—the pictures they put up of him, not the mention the completely inappropriate music they play. It sets the tone perfectly.

Oh man. That crowd's really, like, harshing your vibe huh?