Michael Caffee

I actually hadn't heard of that movie, but if it's got Jessica Chastain in it, that'll almost mitigate all the Worthington-ness.

Makes sense. You don't want to fuck with Mary Shelley's lawyers.

The A.V. Club

Then fall, ratings.

This looks like it'll be a shitty show. But ABC are honorable men.

"I'm Ira Glass. With a $35 pledge you can get the feeling of paying for radio. It's an indescribable sensation."

My mistake, it must have been with someone else then. (Boy, I'm losing track of all these Jason Clarke conversations on AVC. They happen so much, it seems.) Apologies. Though I'm steadfast in my resolve that Jason Clarke would be nowhere near the level of blandness of a Worthington or a Courtney. Maybe Kitsch at the

Lol I think we had this Clarke-centric discussion about "Lawless." He was fine in it, but that movie really was a piece of crap. I do disagree with the person who equated Jason Clarke with Sam Worthington though. You know how much I love my bro.

Holy crap was that movie a piece of shit. I liked what Jessica Chastain brought to her role though.

We always hear about mothers supporting their children's dreams. Here's one time I wish that wasn't the case.

The Boring Identity

True, a lot of his lines were just awful. He surely made it work when given the all-too-few comedic moments, like his conversation with the beat-up guy on the highway, or his line "did you come all this way for a fucking staring contest" with Colin Farrell. However, he just wasn't the right person to handle that

The way I understood it, the CEO of Bland Action Stars with Inexplicable Amounts of Work wanted to go with Jai Courtney to head the brand. Sam Worthington was going to be put on hiatus.

I'm still waiting for the Subway 9/11 deal.

He definitely did get better down the stretch, especially the last couple of episodes. It just took so long for the casting to make sense, especially during the first few episodes where the phrase "fart-smelling school of acting" was in prominence.

I thought Sam Worthington was recast as Jai Courtney.


I'm always falling head over heels for the first good-looking cancer patient I find. It's an addiction. I've tried going to meetings, but it just…doesn't help.

Fair enough. You make some good points, especially about the history of the non sequitur in comedy. Sorry about the tl;dr-ness. I just hadn't had this type of discussion about Seth on AVC in a long time, and wanted to facilitate a decent conversation on the topic—especially given the article. Didn't meant to write a

Well then, an AVC discussion of Seth MacFarlane. Always a measured and rational event, so what the hell? It's a complicated topic to be sure, so I'll try to initiate a conversation that doesn't just adhere to the dichotomy of either "RABBLE RABBLE SETH MACFARLANE IS THE DEVIL INCARNATE!" or "lol family guy is the best