Michael Caffee

"I just learned to smile ten minutes ago."

Some random favorite sketches:

My money's on this. At least Bradley Cooper is somewhat involved with the "Limitless" show (as far as I know).

Shit, I forgot she was in that. Plus she was great on "Frasier," and no one can take that away. So I retract my snarkiness, even though I'm still unhappy that she's on that abomination of a show.

It would be behind old copies of the Jonas Brothers movie in the DVD section of my local 7-11.

I typically don't have a problem with jokes that skirt that type of edge if they're done tastefully and, for lack of a better word, artistically. Take Downey Jr. in "Tropic Thunder," or the "Review" episode when Forrest reviews "being a racist." Because it's comedy and satire, you're delving into those topics in order

I'm seeing a similar Downey Jr.-style comeback with Slater taking the lead role in the "They Live" network procedural. That same badass type of performance that comes from years of pent-up rage and regret. Only there'd be a lot, lot, lot less money.

I know it's network TV, low standards and all that. But man, it looks like they didn't even give a shit about making this look even partly good. Judging from the trailer, they've managed to butcher pretty much everything about the source material, including the notion that messing with the process of time actually

Upvoting for logic, not for making me feel good. In fact I feel a big cry coming on. Gonna go put on my sunglasses now…

But with the great Roddy Piper having departed us, I wonder who they would tap for the reboot's legendary fight scene? (Which, you know, they'd HAVE to include.)

Oh my bad, I misinterpreted. Thought you were asking if Meagan Good would be stopping scandals on "Minority Report." Which would be redundant, since Fox is probably going to stop this whole scandal themselves after sweeps.

The scandal of misusing a much-loved science fiction franchise as fodder for a network police procedural? I hope so.

Oooh yeah, I heard about that show. Bad characters, a cringe-inducing laugh track, and jokes that apparently teeter on the line between funny and racist. I heard Peri Gilpin's (that's right, she has a life after "Frasier" apparently!) character calls Craig her "Nubian prince" with "African musk." Uh…

That pun you used was okay, but I don't think it had much Minority Support.

They've rebooted "Minority Report" and "Limitless" as network police procedurals (and I believe "Frankenstein" is on its way too). I wonder what sci-fi IP they're gonna be targeting for weekly police work next. It really is an interesting question. My money's on "The Thing."

Oh man, David Rapaport does not have the best record when it comes to being a late addition to an already-successful series.

Exceptional avatar/comment synergy here.

Haha, "non-Maslany division." That's a great way to put it. Makes me think we should have a "non-Rhys division" for the males. If, you know, he ever got fucking nominated.

*cue terrifying Forest Whitaker monologue*

Sadly no antimatter guns or telepathic farts in the trailer.