Michael Bagamery

Leave it to Canada to promote itself shamelessly yet casually. (Being Canadian, I can say that.)

Now the onus is on the White Sox to create their first dynasty.

Donald Twerp is a monarchist.

The pot calls the kettle charred. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised he never thought to turn his critical eye towards his own best-remembered project (I say best-remembered, not best, for the factually airtight reason that Die Hard’s ‘sacred cow’ status is wholly undeserved).

It has a Metascore of 82 awarded by the critics and 8.8/10 by the public, so yes, I would say so.

For me, it’s School of Rock. Plot: flimsy as a plastic bag. Characters: barely any deeper. And it’s just one degree removed from being a jukebox musical. And, now that I know legitimate rock, the songs they licensed have almost no impact on me anymore.

One man fewer, maybe, but never one man less.

I know I’m unforgivably late to comment on this, but I think Nathan meant Spruce Moose.

Yeah. And on Arrested Development Tobias is a patsy for an LA mobster trying to smear his chief professional rival as gay.

I'm pretty sure they have established Community is set in Colorado before this episode. Rewatch "Advanced Criminal Law" from S1, tell me Jeff doesn't say Britta gave him a cell number that turned out to belong to a guy from Boulder.