Michael Anthony Leber

"The threat we’re facing right now are these do-it-yourself self-radicalized individuals — and that’s a very different risk than another plot like 9/11. So we made a very conscious choice to not tell a ‘New York threatened by suitcase nuclear bomb’ story. We just weren’t going to do that. The thriller exists in a much

You're right, but Daddario is too old for that role.

Maybe the Hunters depending on how this goes.


We're not anywhere close to that storyline.

I like that idea, but the finale is called "A," and we all know what that stands for.

The problem I have with this idea is that Carrie seems genuinely terrified and distraught in the psych ward, with absolutely no hint of hope or a plan (although I suppose her demanding to speak to Saul in earlier episodes shows that she was depending on him to get her out quicker).

I kind of caught this, but I wasn't sure when I was watching it, so in hindsight I guess this does add some more suspense, but so far Leo does seem to genuinely care about Dana (Re: The military compound scene).