
Heard someone argue once that the subject matter wasn't geeky enough for Pixar's audience (given that a lot of their output could easily be called science fiction, this isn't as dumb as it initially sounded to me). Even so, one should never forget that their first and only goal is to make entertaining movies for

Well, when Laika is finally driven out of business by limited box office returns (and thus-far lack of Oscar gold, which might otherwise assuage investors), people will WISH they had a sore thumb like Pixar.

For the life of me, I will never understand why people hate the Cars movies so much. So Pixar likes to keep the lights on while crafting the next Wall-E, so the hell what? Let the kids have their fun!

At least with Wall-E, one could make the argument that he (because of inadequate socialization) probably didn't know the proper way to act…

Anyone else notice the coach was a dead ringer for Dan "The Beast" Severn?

"A runty sausage voiced by Michael Cera is nearly as endearing as actual Michael Cera…"

Yes, because skinny people don't exist…

A movie for kids doesn't meet the high standards of the A.V. Club? The believing is hard to be doing! ;)