Michael Amerson

Of all the characters they could use to demonstrate this feature.....

I personally don’t though I have several friends that do and honestly it pisses me off to no end (they recently got into watching pirated movies of films still in theaters) - sadly no amount of discussion with them has done any good. Most often the excuse I get back is either money or “I may not like it” both of which


Gets thrown out of his country for being too handsome, retaliates by becoming king of the iron fist tournament champion.

I am worried/intrigued.

Truly, one of my greatest accomplishments.

Looks like it came straight out of a "How to Make a Rad Video Game" instructional tape from the mid-90's.

It's sad to me that 1) "high road" appears to be a dirty word, and 2) that not having a compulsively negative knee-jerk reaction to an announcement has to be designated the "high road".

The huge backlash to all this just seems childish and short-sighted. I'm not sure why, but I expected better from Notch.

It only predates Candy Crush by a mere sixty years.

Yeah with the immaturity of gamers today a ffa survival horror game just doesn't work. The fact its FFA pvp is why I never bought DayZ in the first place, too many griefers out there who need to be a prick to someone else to make them feel good about themselves. IMO they should make a server where player vs player

And a side of Shenmue 3 would be appreciated.

Odd to see such a person mantaining good trigger discipline in all the pics. I wonder if he was part of some law or military force before turning into a criminal.

Holy crap, that looks awesome! x)

That was fucking amazing!

AND THUS, cementing Trevor's place as the most badass GTA character ever.

That was fucking fantastic!!!