
“m” is wrong. People maintaining speed (anywhere between 60 and 90) in the merge lane need to be sent for re-training. You see, “m” knows some of the driving rules — don’t let courtesy usurp the law — while conveniently not knowing that you’re not supposed to cruise the merge lane. “m” thinks he/she/it is correct on

East coast express lanes (Ga, FL, NC) have cameras that send you a ticket if you don’t have a pass and they charge per mile. EVs and motorcycles ride free but still need the bar code sticker. $12.75 per month (?) in CA is peanuts when you could rack that up in one day in Atlanta during rush hour.

Georgia added an electric car tax because they don’t pay road taxes via gasoline purchases.

La Vie en Rose (2007) starring (Oscar winning) Marion Cotillard ends with the song La Vie en Rose. Inception (2010) starring Marion Cotillard starts with the same song. I only noticed because I was watching them back-to-back on Netflix. There is subtitle/Christopher Nolan synergy in this comment.

Maybe like those Christmas titles, people just have it on in the background. You start to watch because of the hype, fall asleep during it and all ten episodes play. Are you still there?

For the record, if you are talking you are breathing.

[reads box score] Westbrook was 0-25 (50 points) on shots he missed and 0-12 (12 points) on 3-pointers he missed. That’s 62 points missed and 46 points scored.

For $31 million a year he should make that shot.

Expected when there are 70 million more men than women.

On an earth with over 7 billion people, likely yes.

Millions said “I can now die happy” that night.

The “previously on” reminded me that Sam wears her Reign uniform under her clothes so why exactly doesn’t she know who she is?

I can’t remember whether he’s been gone six months or seven years. If the latter, then he’s had time to adult.

Chik fil A? White people’s fried chicken.

First you say the current residents pick the kitchen staff then you correctly state the current Executive Chef has been there 13 years.

I see courtrooms full of Black defendants who managed to go unshot during their arrests or ticketings. Prisons are full of Black faces who managed to go unshot. Hell, a Black defendant on bond in Atlanta walked away from his trial last week just before the jury convicted him of murder and remains unshot. This isn’t a

My closest theater has a $4.49 showing at 10 am Friday and $6.49 3D at 10:30 am. The 7 pm 3D is $9.49.

That’s called white privilege.

I was old once, meaning, I had hurt my leg and had trouble walking. While at the local buffet I realized how the olds must feel with all those people rushing around them.

People like to out-disable each other. Recently when I told people to turn off their phones and shut up at Black Panther I had to hear how the Mom was a cancer survivor and show them respect. What the ever-loving fuck?