What is the blue lobster claw he’s wearing?
What is the blue lobster claw he’s wearing?
In the business that’s called failure to maintain proper lookout for your own safety. Ignored a known risk. No lawsuit.
Those guys probably install and destroy new hard drives daily.
I know how it is when you run out of underwear and laundry day’s not here.
Federal sex traficking law is 18. For state purposes, simply substitute state limitations. Easy peazy lemon squeazy. And yes, you are the asshol-io.
From the prosecution perspective, when dealing with women that have been broken and addicted, you don’t have to deal with bad witness issues if the victim witness is/was underage. It’s like the difference between adult porn and child porn — if she’s 17 and 11 months you have an easier prosecution case then if she were…
Is it embarassing that you got a burner account on two days ago and have been trolling since then?
I once visited a collection agency and the Dept. of Ed. collections employees were walled off from the Visa and Amex collectors and behind double locked doors.
I had a client arrested last week for a few child porn videos (multistate task force arrested 76 people). In his 50s and no criminal history. All of us in the biz assume no prior trouble means never been caught. I mean, I haven’t had a speeding ticket since the ‘90s but I speed all the time.
I know I’ve been out of school for a minute but $66k per year for law school? WTF? Law school consists of books, a library and huge professor salaries. No sports teams, no labs, and generally no student housing. The easiest way for university to make money on the cheap is to open a law school.
That list of demands is the exact reason I didn’t even apply to Howard. That application was too damn long with tiny boxes that were too small to write in. Plus I was 18 with no direction. 18 year olds are the least qualified people on earth to 1) pick a school and 2) pick a major. Take note, parents.
46% of 119,000,000 voters got us Dump. 63 million voters out of a population of 320 million. I mean, this is how democracy works but that’s only about 20% of the population for Dump and 21% of the population for Clinton. The other 59% either aren’t eligible (under 18, felons, not registered) or didn’t bother.
It’s interesting watching R voters protest about the liberal policies and benefits being denied to them. If the legislature could just find a way to deny pensions to the Black teachers then it would be all right. #MAGA.
Teachers in these knuckle draggin hollers aren’t doing a good job of educating anyway. Close the damn schools and just put all the students in the military. Full employment = Big deployments! #MAGA
How the fuck was firing on coalition troops after the invasion a reason for the war? Who says the USA is supposed to invade every non-tranquil paradise? What about the weapons of mass destruction, jackass? The stated reasoning for invading. Stop humping your mom, it’s messing with your brain.
Someone that clueless about the Iraq war is obviously under 20 years old. Beware the internet commentariat.
They will be on that list that gets shoved into the desk until another one of them pops off.
We have good weather.
“I’m the real victim here.”
There are approximately 7 billion people in the world so many, many more exposes.