After watching five episodes of the second season of Preacher I concluded the story ended after season 1.
After watching five episodes of the second season of Preacher I concluded the story ended after season 1.
I think I watched about five two minutes of it.
Saw tornado.
We had metal detectors in D.C. in the ‘70s.
We have a winner! Economically anxious lone wolf.
Catering to chest-thumping, angry dude-bros gets #1 ratings for Boston sports radio. Not just #1 for sports talk, #1 for radio across the board.
The Republican playbook states you must deny the allegation and then it didn’t happen.
Butthurt about their badass trucks that they haul groceries in.
And won’t fit through the garage door.
According to those specs it gets 37 km per liter or 88 miles per gallon?
It is gossip. Just because it’s a lawsuit doesn’t mean everything is open to discussion. Sure, I can go to the courthouse, find my neighbor’s DUI conviction or child custody papers, call her up and ask about it — but it doesn’t mean it’s any of my business.
They literally know what everyone is watching, how often and when you subscribed. For instance, they know I subscribed to watch Luke Cage, watched it all in 2 days, canceled when I was finished and watch a few other things during my 30 day membership. Hulu knows I waited until Handmaids Tale finished so I could…
She must already have her money to spurn $500k so loudly.
First world problems. I didn’t know she got an Oscar for comedy.
And let’s make child molestation survivor toys?
Questioning Joffrey’s parentage based on hair color was the worst paternity test ever.
Taking your shirt off is equivalent to taking your earrings out and vaselining your face.
Or daughters.
On the other hand, MSU surely knows their richest employee would be asked this question (repeatedly) and a publicist should have provided a prepared and rehearsed answer. MSU Athletics is useless; shut it all down.
Maybe they are about to cancel her and she has to get in these digs now so her firing can be ret-conned to libruls.