Noticed that Kathy’s tweet was sent at 4:20.
Noticed that Kathy’s tweet was sent at 4:20.
Ana meant Eskimo sisters.
In the old days, the media wouldn’t use profanity so you could curse at the reporter and they wouldn’t use it. Plus they couldn’t say that you had no comment.
The season was ok. And by season I mean I watched the first and last episodes.
We can’t block but we can dismiss comments.
We have found Barry White’s voice.
One of my first cases was a guy who raped an 80 year old woman. So I will just drop the mic right here and be on my way.
This reeks of an employer who already knows he will hire his son-in-law but is required to post the job opening for 30 days.
If Mueller had a courtroom he would have a chance but he has zero chance to impeach in an R House and convict by 2/3 in an R Senate.
Here’s the problem. We are not required to look at Twitter nor the websites and tv shows that constantly update Dump’s latest. I’m not even gonna call them “news” shows any more.
Clearly I have missed some episodes.
I missed this letter seven years ago. Just read and noticed “your hometown Cavaliers have not betrayed you nor NEVER will betray you.” Totally means we will betray you.
Ash Tyler is so a spy. His insertion and escape were too convenient. Do older transporters have DNA profiles on all star fleet personnel?
Maybe the winner can be President!
Found guilty of murder.
What’s the gas mileage?
I fixed that for you.
The only glass in GOT is dragonglass.
Oh my bejesus god damn! This horror should push the exploding Note 7 issue off of page A16 and into archives.
There’s some stuff out there about “signed” versions of iOS which requires you to downgrade to your prior version before Apple unsigns the prior version. Since 10 is new you may have a few weeks/days before Apple unsigns.