
Maybe we can stop testing them now and let them do their work.

@OMGItsWeasel: see: Pen Register and Trap and Trace Devices Act

Isn't illegal to hack passwords and email? The DOJ says it is.

@hilikusopus: Silly clip? You're a silly person. But I guess you already know about coin-tel pro and agent provocateurs.

Now playing

@hilikusopus: The cops are the one's who are violent. They put their own men under cover at the G20 with rocks in their hands and black masks to hide their faces and cause damage and mayhem so the cops in uniform can storm in and beat up and arrest the peaceful protesters and at the same time discredit them to the

@DanHibiki: Cointel Pro. Agent Provocateurs. That's why. Look it up. They were on their side... provocateuring so they can beat up and arrest peaceful protestors and to make people who protest look like crazy people when they are actually peaceful people who like to blow bubbles. It's another false flag that

@hilikusopus: What is coin-tel pro for $500 Alex?

@AlexJDA: Danke. For the record, my opinion of the Wii is not so much fanboy and more of "Meh, not for me," but I do find their "less is more" hardware philosophy amusing sometimes.

Two fitness, two dance, and at least four that have you controlling an avatar sliding downhill. I'm not saying this is a terrible product (I am), but if this is the best they can do in terms of innovation, God help the entire industry.

@Grimm808: If looking at a launch lineup is enough to make you physically ill, I'd suggest staying away from motion-control games altogether. Or buy a tarp.

Ohai there, little Wii. Welcome to 2010. Where's your HD?

@CodeJanitor: Add a table thump and a "consarnit!" to that comment and it'll round out nicely.

4chan is the Band of Merry Men of our time. Only difference being one helps the poor, the other bot-spams your website with gifs of buttsex.

@critter42: " He pioneered the merchandising and marketing of music"

Agents of disinfo. When the media pretends to be on your side and feeds you false information. Glenn Beck fake crying live on TV using Vics Vapor Rub.

Ah I love the crying wolf stories. Can't wait till they find a real one and wonder why no men with guns came to their rescue.

@ITCC: We should ask the mirror. :)