
@Lord_Cathbad: If you like the Nazi's then no. But if you hate them and what they stand for then yes. Henry Ford was into Eugenics and yes supported the Nazis and disliked jews.

@Slatka: A joke is, to quote Spock, a story with a humorous climax. Planting an explosive in someone's car is... what's the word? Ah yes, "terrorism."

@csismything: Thats kinda like saying "I don't care that blackwater murdered innocent people they aren't the government. The government just gave them money." .. something like that anyways.. not so extreme becasue it's yet to be seen what Google will do with the info they get.

@Preacher iTofu a.k.a. Scammer Money: It's not paranoia. It's like when you're crossing the street and you look both ways.. a car might be coming.. or a car might not be coming. Either way you should look both ways before crossing. Sure you could go through life not looking both ways but one day that lone semi

@Zachary Hearns: I know... which is why I try to remind people that it could happen. I don't know if it will ever happen. I hope it never does, but it did happen before which means it could happen again and we should be weary of anyone who wants to catalog us into databases.

@Preacher iTofu a.k.a. Scammer Money: You sir have fallen into the "I have either forgotten or maybe I'm unaware that in the past evil governments have collected data on their citizens for the purpose of rounding them up and then using them as slaves, and then using data to decide who lives and dies". All one has

kettlebells and the tabata protocal.

I know I'm speaking heresy, but am I crazy for liking the ST '09 version best? There's something refreshingly crisp about the "We're not moving but nowsweetjesuswe'removing" effect of being violently rocketed into warp.

@Berkeley: "Poot engines at maximum sir."

@farcedude: You brought it on yourself pal. But it was joke hense the " :) " smiley face. you could have said I know that girl and guy... but you left it to our imaginations.. and this is a nerd website and as you know the nerd stereotype.. whatever stfu yourself :) <- joking calm down!

All followers of eugenics should have the same fate.

@Kurib0sShoe: I haven't heard anything but most likely not.

@GregtheMad: From what I heard he was about to kill or harm one of the hostages so they took him out. I wish they would take out all lovers of eugenics.

@farcedude: I'm guessing you only know the dudes, but if by chance you know the girl, let her know she could soon be wearing diapers and driving cross country. :)

@ziffelbat: Lasers go crakle crackle, Laser guns go pew pew.

Now playing

This is why I have a fixation on firearms.