@Hearthatvoiceagain: Sheepless in Kenya
@Hearthatvoiceagain: Sheepless in Kenya
@PixelProphet: Plus one!
A revolutionary new scientific breakthrough that could fundamentally change the fabric of our daily life? Let me guess: Will be coming to market in "about 5 years"?
@Zinger314: I don't see how this would help.
Thanks for posting this. As a Denver suburb resident I want the light shined on these guys. This kind of crap gives good cops a bad reputation and there's a lot of good cops in the Denver area. Get these guys off the force.
I feel like I just played Halo 4.
It's a hoax!
Or: "How a 16-yo Kid Made the Entire Gizmodo Community Feel Like Worthless Pieces of Slacker Garbage."
@triplecheeseburger: true...
@whmr: I said you win, so you can stop now. But +1 for you and logic with the pic.
@kalleboo: Yeh but it works both ways. Corporations lobby to get laws passed in their favor. Laws that hurt the average American. edit: see my rant above. :D
@triplecheeseburger: you misunderstood. I didn't mean just Apple alone... I meant ALL corporations however big or small. Or any company that buys junk from china for cheap to sell to Americans to make profit, drive down our economy and put small businesses and the middle class into poverty.
This has nothing to do with the story so if you're looking for a reply about the button issue don't read the rest of this reply. :)
@Matt da brat on da wheels of steel: Agreed.
Dear Apple,