
@minibeardeath: Things are devolving into semantics a little bit, to the point where someone just helpfully pointed out to me that it does indeed get colder at night (yes, thank you).

@schall129: I meant, just because we stopped rotating, it wouldn't make us tidally locked. We would still have day and night.

@The5thElephant: Granted, it would be damned unpleasant. But the people on here spouting that a non-rotating planet is the same thing as a tidally locked planet are really grating my cheese. They're the same people who think it's hotter in the summer because we're closer to the sun.

you mean like this?

@zwer: Tidal lock is not the same thing. The moon is tidally locked to the Earth, but it still rotates. Its rotation matches its revolution. If it didn't rotate, we would see all sides.

@c_cornelp: No. No no no. 1,000 times no. Every sentence is pretty much incorrect.

@Shane Dornburg: The Core was about the molten center of the planet stopping its rotation, not the entire planet. I know this from watching the first 10 minutes before flinging the DVD out the window.

@pdok: Yeah those are WMD's.

@bh: All the on-lookers were drugged, beaten, then renditioned (kidnapped) and taken to a secret base in another country where they were told they were terrorists and a risk to the security of the United States and hanged. This is the CIA we are talking about here.

There are too many posts in here stating that "also, one side would freeze!" It's depressing, especially on this site. If a planet stops spinning, it does not suddenly become a one-face world. Likewise, the moon is a one-face body, and it still spins.

@llamatron: These dumb girls act like they don't have sex and make a big deal about a guy watching sex when they know damn well they suck golf balls through garden hoses. Woman talk about having kids constantly and then talk about their kids after they have had kids. How do you make kids? You have sex. How do make

@schall129: We wouldn't suddenly stop revolving too, you know.

@Denver: If the Earth stopped spinning, it would still have a day/night cycle. It would just be a very long day/night cycle. No one side would be any hotter or colder than any other, at least in the long term.

@tigzy: That is the best thing I've read all week. You win.

@aec007: He might be exactly what these girls are looking for in a man but since he didn't leave his bank account information they will never know.

@aec007: He might be exactly what these girls are looking for in a man but since he didn't leave his bank account information they will never know.

@aec007: He might be exactly what these girls are looking for in a man but since he didn't leave he bank account information they will never know.

1. I don't advocate stealing wifi or watching porn.

Or maybe mainstream media is now bashing another person who talks about things he shouldn't talk about on national tv.