
@zelannii: It's perfectly ok that the police have video cameras on every street corner and can tape us anytime when we are not doing anything illegal but for us to do the exact same thing to them is seen as us doing a crime?

@sdgrube: You're doing stupid shit right now posting that this guy was a "punk" and "underage" and that that police officer can arrest you for taking his picture. Maybe you should be arrested ?

@MJDeviant: Yes, but if your phone manufacturer decides for some reason to construct your phone's exterior out of glass, there's no clamshell in the world that's going to save you. This person's screen didn't break; it was the shell.

@jayded: I hope so too but I'm also sceptical. It will take a lot to ween people off gas power for sure. I think the first step is to show eveyone that this system does exist and they are living in it. Once they see that then hopefully they will try to get out of it and into a more self sustainable system where they

Well if it's a plant that grows and helps people medically I'm sure it won't be allowed in the US. I mean what would they do if people could grow their own medicine at their house and not need to go to the doctor for a prescription and buy expensive medicine from little pharma.

@jayded: Did you build your car to run on gas? Was another water powered car available to you to buy instead of a gas powered one? Was the technology there to make it or was it supressed by someone? Are you rich, because not many people are and don't have the luxury of choice in these matters. Can you afford to

Oh, no. You did NOT just shoot that green shit at me!

@Mecharine: I think cheating nature is what caused this. :)

@RogueOne: Or just eradicate the corporations who are to blame for things like this. Contrary to popular belief not all humans go drilling oil and make environmental disaters. They need to be put in prison, the company should go out of business and they should be made an example of for others in the future who do

@talkingstove: I have a feeling that some PR guy got smacked on the nose with a rolled-up newspaper for that one. There should be a press-release-to-English dictionary.

The backlash against Wave confuses me. It has a few very specific purposes for which it is very, very well-suited, but because everyone can't find a use for it every day of their lives, they cry failure and back dump trucks of scorn onto Google's lawn.

@fratto: Google just like facebook is in bed with the CIA. They received startup money from them. Lots of money... millions.

@CurisosityAteMyCat: Because this is the real world and in the real world governments across the globe have time after time abused their power and their citizens.

@adammp.the.gamer: Please send me the keys to your house and car. If you have nothing to hide then it should ok. Read up on the history of privacy and what could happen if you don't protect your own privacy. Also please send me your bank account number and pin and any passwords you have.