
This showed up on my RSS feed:

"they are used in the windshields of military helicopters and high speed trains."

It's been so long since Japan produced anything but terrifying androids, mediocre RPGs, and batshit insane fashion subcultures, I forgot they could still be cool.

@missionary position: So you just admitted you were speeding and you got caught speeding... and then you lied in court to get out of it... then you were speeding again 8 times and then you were drinking and driving and you wonder... why the cops keep pulling you over. F it I'm just gonna come out and say it dude

The mame emulator runs slow .. the sound isn't quite right. But robotron, defender and joust are still fun.

@Firebrand: Nukes are made with depleted uranium. When depleted uranium from these weapons are exploded they contaminate the area for billions of years. It would kill the sea life in that area of the gulf (if not move to other areas) forever and the fish you eat from there would be radiated or be born with birth

@Anne Boleyn: But somehow they got the other equipment down there and in place without being crushed.

Nobody else finds it a little disturbing that search engines allow you to buy links and censor whatever they want?

@mesheke: You mean they are being hurt by BP's ignorance right? Once again someone trying to blame the people who had nothing to do with this accident and let BP off the hook. It's not BP's fault at all that their franchise owners are going to lose money or go out of business, it's the dumb people of America's fault

This article is distracting me.

@Hi: This would be more like forklifting a pallet of hot dogs into an airplane hangar.

@ITIL_Prince: Buck Melanoma, Moley Russel's wart.