Michael Ellis


The potential of this technology is extremely scary.

Grammar nazi got the better of me for a minute. Disregard this post.

This comment was abusively removed, so I am reposting it: Waste of money much?

Waste of money much?

@Woozle Wozzle: How are you going to get the money to do the research if you can't turn a profit.

Absolutely hate T9. Especially since it would turn itself on and could not be turned off on my Touch Pro.

Excellent, then when the pins inevitably break or wear out, Apple gets to sell you a whole new device!

@rxe7en: This one shouldn't be blocked. :)

@MrGrinch: Ceiling cat frowns on your lack of faith.

@akuma_619: Well I think one was intended to try and break down a religious barrier while the other is just an inflammatory move. Furthermore, I think one is a more sever an offense than the other.

@djscruffy: I don't think you are right. Furthermore, the "few cities" you describe are probably the urban centers such as New York, Washing DC, San Fransisco, and so on.

@ttk2: You mean the power grid? We get brown outs and blackouts when people turn their air conditioning up too high. What will happen when we have millions of cars sucking power as well? Hydrogen may in fact be more feasible than electric when you take into account the cost and hassle that would involve revamping our

@djscruffy: At least hydrogen cars won't knock out the electrical grid.

Still doubt the effectiveness of electric cars.

@masterofTHUMBS: Not really following your logic, but you could take the car to a track. Furthermore, the max speed is just an indication of other performance benefits that you can enjoy. On top of that, most people want it for the capability, not the utility.

@jf79: Oh. I was basically was just taking the specs from MaxPC's 2010 Dream Machine. I have no experience with either Xeons or Xenons so I wouldn't know the difference. Embarrassing, I know.

@Zoltan Shapiro: Well. I figured it would be easier than expanding my forty car garage. ;)