Michael Ellis

@drewheyman: So? There are plenty of reruns. It's a moot point anyway. Television subject matter is provided based on demand. Perhaps nobody wants to watch middle class families anymore.

@DingoJunior: Maybe I'll sell one of mine to buy one of those. ;)

@Darkit: Instantly reminded me of Breaking Bad.

Yes but who makes it?

@Black Knight Rebel: Yes, but you can't put it in your pocket. That's why I chose an Incredible over and Evo.

@khdownes: I think even us geeks who have the option to go outside but choose not to because of something called glare. Those damn LCD manufacturers are responsible for this!

I want that wallpaper.

@masterofTHUMBS: I'm not contesting the legality of it. I'm contesting the ethics and safety of it. Furthermore, in this litigious society, we have to sign our rights away in order to get anything done on computers (or in real life for that matter).

@legodt (Free Style Sammy Wack): Good point. Nonetheless, I don't like the idea of any organization, whether government or private sector, invading my privacy.

@clinc: Depends if you can describe your party by including the term LAN.

No data was collected on thrust? Sounds suspicious.

@Pook365: Probably to reduce the impact of the craft.

What's with all the upstream data?

@ssrock64: You have successfully passed you geek exam ;)