Michael Ellis

@Live N Learn: Oh I agree. Different strokes for different folks. I'm willing to sacrifice screen real estate and features for improved picture quality while you prefer the opposite. It's just a matter of preference.

@Live N Learn: Yeah, but I'm a HUGE stickler about contrast, color, refresh rate, etc... (and yes I know I can't trust what the manufacturers say).

Now officially want to watch First Contact

Should've gone with Microsoft Tags.

@Live N Learn: I'd go a step further and say that due to the price, I would probably just replace a worn out TV with another normal one (preferably with 120 Hz capability, but still). I'm personally waiting for affordable OLED displays.

@minibeardeath: Interesting......*unplugs laptop* *facepalms*

@GCWB: I'm sorry. You are right. The concept of wireless communications is a brilliant one. Maybe you could call your invention...WiFi?

@b1mmer: Dude. They really fracked the Incredible up with the froyo update. Put a bunch of Verizon BS on it.

@George Brown: *Cough* Bluetooth.

@Fronzbot: How will this affect people with pacemakers etc? Also, how about sensitive electronics and desktop computers?

@moonshadowkati: Actually, I believe the internet was developed to originally for military purposes. Furthermore, you have to PAY for access and many of the services.

To quote Douglas Adams, "Oh no not again."

@Steel Fox: Could actually be a 3D printer.

Laserjet of GTFO.

@HenryTimm: That is brilliant advertising.

About the see-through screen....remember that Austin Powers scene when they are making fun of the subtitles blending in to everything?

@Bastard420: Your last part. I gots that. Its called an HTPC.

Looks like Windows Phone 7 on steroids.