Michael Ellis

Someone could make a fortune if they could design a program that reliably ports programs to all the major phone OSes (ie. Android, Symbian, Windows Phone 7, and iSquat).

@thePrototype: That was just one reason why I think they are pointless.

@Crisss1205: I'll give you that one, but for most things......pretty pointless. In my experience, they caused more trouble than they did any good.

@Swimatm: Even better. That's why he only drives a Mercedes.

@Timmy: There is a way to block them I'm sure.

@openfly: Because cellphones don't work when the power is out.

It's remarkable that Jobs can afford to remodel his house when he only makes $1 a day. ;)

Rant time.

I am a place-shifter too.

What happens if your walls are not white?

@TheAlmeida: They still make that TV? I thought that line died off years ago.

@Tommy Five: Correction. The same quiet shit. Nobody is attacking them for doing good. They are just annoyed by the fact the company didn't fix this before they went into production.

Never mind. Can't seem to delete a post.

How about giving Android some love.

@Ulmaxes: These kids and their cranial implants.....

If the radio industry is to survive, they should probably just pirate their own music using ad-based websites while still banning others from distributing the music illegally. They could even charge a high premium for the ads since there would likely be extreme demand for free legal songs. As a bonus, Apple would get

@Insecur1tyGuard: Agreed. If you want that feature, fork over the money for a Droid Incredible or something along those lines. Don't subject everyone else to more needless crap that takes up space and costs money.

Does extra hardware suck power even when it is not in use (ie. the phone is turned on but not using FM)?

The first graph looks like something out of a surrealist landscape painting.

@torgreed: Well I didn't mean to turn this into a hard drive measuring contest.