Michael Ellis

I remember when I was trying to make an infrared sensor using a webcam, my biggest challenge was FINDING floppy discs to use as IR filters. I am so glad those little bastards are outmoded. They were insanely slow, unreliable, and had a tendency to jam inside one's reader.

@mexi1010: Pretty much the same thing I say every time something goes wrong which in my case is on nearly a daily basis.

@Clancycoop: Hard drives go bad after one screw up.

Yay digital hoarding! My current system has a total of about seven terabytes of active storage on it and counting.

@RockstarAgent: I suppose it depends on what you would define as the "prize" in the first place.

It disgusts me that they are in any way associating this with Zen Buddhism.

@zaxwashere: How long does it generally take to get a "star?"

I really think this system is too complicated if you have to create a guide to something as simple as posting comments.

@enlight10ment: Sorry to be off topic, but what is the difference between a normal commenter and one with a star?

@NorwoodIsMyHero: Dude. You read my mind. I was about to make a pedobot wisecrack. There is something deeply disturbing about machines trying to act cute.

Hooray for unrealistic deadlines!

This 3D trend is affecting everything. What's next, 3D toothpaste?