Michael Aswell

Technically the Valsalva maneuver isn't just blowing with your mouth shut, its also adding a motion that is akin to pushing when you are constipated. In essence it causes your blood pressure to drop — doctors usually use it to test your body's ability to return to a normal state.

the e39 M5 has a golf bag diagram in the trunk, and it wasn't long before someone did this...

I've worked with Nuance, who's technology is at the core of Siri, quite a bit in my line of work. We work with physicians, many of whom are foreign, and Dragon is tough for them at first; but Dragon will learn their accents tremendously well. It's honestly impressive. Now I know Siri isn't a full blown dragon

Whoa, love the string version of the Flaming Lips "Do You Realize?" at the end.

Blend a Kiwi in a food processor and add to your marinade. Not only will it add sweetness and flavor, but kiwi has proteases that will make the meat more tender by breaking down the muscle fibers.