
This is just another no-win war. (Not that it should not be fought.) Short of everybody travelling naked and anesthetized, I don’t think that it can be won. Hell, somebody will probably travel with 5 kg of explosives and a timer surgically embedded in their guts even then.

That one will. There simply isn't enough Resin there to account for those shells. That said, It may hurt the intended target with the resulting debris

If that thing does anything but blow up in the shooters hand, I’ll eat my hat.

99% sure those are 22 Magnum. There are plenty of small pistols that fire them.

I believe that’s a big problem with them. You can make a plastic gun fire a 9mm, but it will self destruct after a couple of rounds. This looks like it used .22 rounds, so it can probably withstand more, but who knows.

Here’s the better question - since 9 of 10 are getting through what are we going to do about all those airplanes that are being high-jacked and flown into buildings as a result....

I would not want to fire that thing. After the first round (if not with the first), it would probably explode in your hand.

I give about 70% odds the first round blows most of his hand off.

How do they know they only find 1 in 10? Think about that for a bit.

Did they check the rabbit’s foot for more bullets?

There's no way that gun would hold up to being fired, the plastic walls are way too thin. And also, what good does printing a gun do when the bullets are still made of metal?

was it this guy?

smart enough to 3d print their own gun, dumb enough to load it before travel.

I blame John Malkovich for all of this.

So if TSA found it, then it didn’t really do a good job of sneaking through security....

Can you just accept your god damn reponsability for having been completely reckless with something that wasn’t yours, and NOT try to put the blame on DJI for being “rude”?

The food’s better than the weather.

Quit drilling for puns, your humor is all tapped out, and comments like this are going to leave you stranded somewhere!

They held a vote to see what to do with this, but the vote was rigged.

There are a number of reasons why most ships don’t do this (some do have teams on them, but its not common). 1. Guys who know what the hell they’re doing aren’t cheap. That eats into your profit margins. 2. Legal issues with keeping weapons aboard and sailing into ports where weapons aren’t allowed. Do you take the