
Gotta love the people rushing in to tell us this is what we wanted. No, we had what we wanted and then foolish media companies thought they could do better.

Netflix still is the gold standard for streaming. Their apps work. They make it easy to find content. Episode content will play the next episode automatically, and

Again I ask, why would anyone want to watch endless Friends reruns?  Geez people, that is no better than watching endless reruns of Lawrence Welk.  Tiny Bubbles anyone?

NNetflix became hugely popular and made lots of money because it was relatively cheap and had oodles of content. Then everyone else saw how much money they were making and wanted to get in on it.

Which is almost wholly the third party market’s fault at this point. Nintendo has made development much easier by finally going with a modern chipset, sales are clearly there in terms of hardware, early developers have gotten great sales due to capitalizing on the hype, and there are a lot of people who are willing

Most people in Japan buy it for Splatoon 2, not for Zelda. Splatoon 2 is so successful that it might soon even overtake the PS4's Dragon Quest 11 sales. At that point it becomes beyond ridiculous to say that the Switch only has Zelda, no matter how much your fanboy heart seemingly wants it to be true.

Comparing them is not pointless. As a matter of fact, it’s the exact opposite of pointless. It’s the living proof that, if you want to sell consoles, you need software.