Micah Seymour

That would have rung false though. How often do they actually face anything together? Half the time she’s forgotten they’re even there, or they’ve wandered off and she hasn’t even noticed.

Not true. It's only been 30 years since he did Rachel Hunter.

You know what’s more insufferable than the interview?

rofl I still can’t believe the CEO conned a billion+ from them.

Re: the email of the week -- Leitch?

Is the last email Leitch?

I assumed this was a post about Great Hill Partners.

A good Kotaku blog post for these times.

DreamHouse is a joint venture of Authentic Brands Group and G/O Media. We deliver compelling product, innovative content, and immersive brand experiences. We create and activate original marketing strategies that drive the success of our brands across all consumer touchpoints, platforms, and emerging media. Our

The fact that this easily searchable answer for why Big Freedia was not in the Beyonce video, but was not included in this article, speaks volumes to the intent of the author of this piece.  Virtue signaling in action right here.

I completely disagree, the last thing baseball needs is a scandal involving performance enhancing hugs.

Also, Jack Evans once called him to berate him for writing that Nationals Park was being built with public funds; the dumbass argument Evans made repeatedly during his phone tirade was that all the money used to build the stadium, a tab that eventually hit about $1 billion, would come from new taxes implemented

It’s not about how much severance you receive; it’s about how much copper wire you can get out of the building with.

“Fuck your Grandpa” is a take I’m here for.

I hope you do! Then we can be spared your meandering self-congratulating babbling about how your team’s championships are just so much better than others’.

You sound like a moronic homer.

my takeaway is you stopped reading the review after that part