Micah Dawson

Has anyone read her husband's series(Michael Grant) called Gone?

I used to love these books when i was a kid :D Marco was my fave lol

Catherine of Reign vs Katherine of TVD…two of the most manipulative women ever and i love it :P

Reign is everything to me on thursdays :P Truly a good show.

In Elena's defense, given all that Katherine HAS done to her and her family, the speech actually was pretty decent of her and makes her the best of the 3…Stefan more or less just forgives everything she has done(Which i liked) while Damon blames her for everything with no accountability….I liked the Elena scene

I am sad that we didn't see a Kat & Klaus scene. No offense by the death of her family should relate more to Klaus than Damon.

I am aware of that but people are focusing on the "racial" thing and saying this is the worst thing they show has done and i can argue far worse things.

People are so backwards btw.

I loved this episode. One of the best episodes of the season in my opinion. A lot of people are saying that the last 5 minutes were racist and that Ryan has no idea how to handle character of color…but as a black male, i didn't find it racist or tasteless.

This was probably the best episode of the season thus far. I was on edge wondering how it would all Play out. Adelaide Kane is such a delight to watch. Still not liking Francis much…