MIC Rulz

So no one has had full hands before and had to fumble around with keys & other crap while trying to unlock the door? I think we all have.

Yeah but this was a test performed in Europe where just about everyone knows how to drive a manual. 

I'd imagine something like, "USA? Who wants to be a part of that shithole county. They don't even have health coverage!"

I think whether or not the A-10 will remain useful depends entirely on who we see as “enemy combatants” in the next decade or so. They’re phenomenal against insurgents and the like (or small states without advanced military tech research, like Iran or North Korea), but if we intend to pick fights with Russia (and to a

What is the statute of limitations on pantsing someone anyways? I’m almost two decades removed from middle school and I’d really hate for something like this to bite me in the ass now.

Guys, what if Left Shark wasn’t just screwing up her Super Bowl performance?

She pants’d him?  In front of people?  Who does that?

You’re really stretching that “mostly”.

Or, like the Topher Grace edit, just watch the lightsaber fight and move on. 

And the award for longest non sequitur rant goes to this dude!

American soldier here, and I’m sorry to say, but protests don’t come when they are convenient for the disaffected. They are spectacles intended to grab the attention of those not paying attention. And kneeling during the anthem?...come on. It’s a racist song designed to play on the self-serving, blind allegiances of

I think panels like these should just be hard-wired to an exhaust fan so that the car doesn’t get so hot in the sun. Might help preserve the interior bits as well.

Republicans are arguing that preventing the president from appearing on the ballot is an attempt to limit republican desires to go vote, thus spurring even more democratic control of California on the ballots (as they face off the top two vote getters in November, not just the leading dem and republican).

“Sure baby, you can look through my phone”

They also claim that since Trump was elected, that the voters spoke and settled the entire issue.

At first I thought “That’s the lamest crash I’ve ever seen, he just laid the bike down...” and then the Benny Hill music started playing in my head and it just got better and better.

My first thought was it’s a grand too expensive, but perfect for an LS swap. Too bad it’s a couple years too old for Radwood, too. Too.

Oh c’mon! Offer the guy $3500 cash, and go for the LS swap. Duh.

*Diagonal license plate with BROFIST on it*

I’m currently having flashbacks to college, at which point riding in these felt like having flashbacks to middle school. That’s the beauty of old GM, that two-step.