Yawn. It’s beautiful, it’s fast, and I’m glad there will still be enthusiasts cars going forward into our electric future. But is anyone else just getting completely bored with hypercars?
Yawn. It’s beautiful, it’s fast, and I’m glad there will still be enthusiasts cars going forward into our electric future. But is anyone else just getting completely bored with hypercars?
Said but true.
The fact that there is an actual holiday called Family Day in Canada is pretty amazing.
I think that is the more important idea if this happened in the US. Not that stuff would be stolen, which is a reasonable assumption anywhere. No, it’s the idea that we would also go out of our way to wreck the store as well.
I’m proud of my country and will take the opportunity to big us up whenever I can but honestly if this had happened in downtown Toronto (or any of the other big cities) the outcome would probably have been a bit lootier.
I’ve asked Volvo, and will report back when I get word.
I, too, am curious about that figure.
I wonder why they picked 112 mph, aside from it being a nice round 180 kph? Germany is pretty much the only place to legally drive over say, 85 mph. Feels like limiting it closer to 80-90 would make more sense. Unless the comment about the active safety systems not working at high speeds has a limit of around that…
Based on reviews this box isn't worth picking up even at this price. Why isn't a Chromecast an option for you if you don't mind me asking?
Based on reviews this box isn't worth picking up even at this price. Why isn't a Chromecast an option for you if you…
I wonder if Hardcastle and McCormick is on Netflix.
This bike uses the SAE J1772 plug/port, which is pretty standard across the current crop of EVs and public charging stations.
Holy smokes! 30k is an Africa Twin AND a RnineT.
Yet another reason for the US Navy to come back to reality. And that reality is that we don’t have to be everywhere on the globe in overwhelming force all the time.
Why do so few people admit that autonomous cars will literally become a TRAIN ...
All our cars will be self-driving by the time this road is completed, right? RIGHT??? Therefore it’ll be a train of drafting self-driving vehicles running at 100mph. Essentially, a cheaper and more personal version of the rail train that they were planning on, anyway!
Broke the barrier. No longer Virgin.
I bet the pilots were giddily requesting their ground speed readout from ATC, only to be one-upped by some asshole in an SR-71.
The frightening thing is that the idea that better off people deserve to be paid more because it’s what they’re used to really is how these assholes think.
He didn’t just think he could. He could. So he did. Swell indeed.