shut up
If you think you can do a better job after waking up at 2am, driving for ten hours, attending classes, then coming home and settling down with a drink on your day off to watch a race only to find out that you’re going to be up late reporting on a horrific accident, I encourage you to take my place and try your hand.
Reading the comments ... you fucking men boys are terrible. I’m surprised half of you find anyone to fuck you. Is there really no room in your imaginations for someone who doesn’t look like you to be centered, to have a story, to have a background that was interesting? Are you that pathetic that you can’t enjoy a…
I see Tesla is now doing with their cars what I used to do with my Bumble profiles. See, I’m not technically lying — you see, I used to be a chiseled, rippling mass of 6'4" muscle.
On the one hand, you’re right that I have the C8’s fuel tank placement incorrect. I will amend this.
Allow me to draw your attention to the article titled
This is dodged by having everyone use different tech and also they don’t constantly have their shields up. The Borg are way more advanced than most other species, but frankly if you’re the only civilization that doesn’t use cloaking tech you’d have to be crazy not to be on constant red alert.
I have to say, this is a pretty strange argument. The point here is to bridge gaps between two relatively distinct interests to create a larger conversation and introduce even more people to racing who may not be inclined to seek it out on their own. In order to grow the viewership for a series, you have to find new…
The year is 29371 CE.
sir, this is a Wendy’s
Are you...mad about this? I’m genuinely curious now. You won’t read it, but you’ll comment on it to tell me to fuck an eel? Are you offended? If so, damn, that’s amazing.
“This is a car blog, don’t bring politics into this herp derp Libs herp derp biased burp slurp you lost don’t be bitter glurp burp.”
You clicked the story, friend
Thank you for this. I’ve been searching for an answer to that question, and this was very helpful. Also, could you maybe make a chart to help people decide what kind of Plymouth Cricket Club is for them? Because I (and, I’m sure, many other people) am not sure whether the thing I need in my life is a club for…
As a married man I too have a body ‘Which is Not Today on the Market’. What I’m getting at is this is not always a good thing.
Have you ever considered that the one common element unifying all of those negative interactions is actually you?