I’m still mad about the Nissan IDX
I’m still mad about the Nissan IDX
I mean, even if the IATA’s take on the study is wrong, I see nothing in this article which says the original study by United and the DOD was flawed in any way, which means they are likely correct in the high safely of airplanes due to extremely high air circulation. Just because the data as far as how many people are…
David Tracy with the sensible suggestion. Has the world gone ma- oh...yeah.
This is one of the fundamental problems with modern capitalism. It shouldn’t be possible to make billions off an unprofitable concept.
You must have been in one of those gifted programs if your elementary school offered a dedicated course in logic. I did take logic in college though. Great class!
For real
A Morning Shift finally hit 5/5 wrong takes, congrats all around!
It depends on the terrain, vehicle and driving style, too. IFS is great for keeping the bulk of a chassis out of things like mud/dirt ruts, which can let you sort of use the edges of the ruts to grab traction. Solid axles tend to get hung up hard on the diff, where an IFS lower control arm can kind of shave the edges…
It does come with a manual. It’s right there in the glove box.
It’s an RV. Presumably they can just...you know...drive it somewhere else??? Like, for example, wherever it was parked before this. They don’t even have the virus. They’re literally keeping it there “because I might need it,” which is no different than keeping a broken car on the lawn because “I might fix it.”
I agree with you. she is currently working from home. She has not come into contact with people who could be infected. If she does have to actually go into work they should contact the HOA then. There is no need to have an RV sitting in your driveway just in case you think you might get infected.
The best way to have a good HOA is to be involved in it.
Exactly. If/when they are under a quarantine order, it sounds like the HOA is more than willing to allow it if they reach out and ask. Just dropping an RV on your driveway without asking first is going to get you this type of response.
Maybe I’m a piece of shit, but I think the HOA is being reasonable here. They have a policy regarding RVs in their community. The nurse and her husband chose to violate that policy without reaching out to the HOA in advance. HOA enforced their policy. Nurse and husband reached out to the HOA, which told them that they…
Ugh. This again.
I mean, I put about 20% of my income towards my retirement fund, and at least 10% is discretionary spending - isn’t that kinda the norm? I'll take a 20% pay cut vs being laid off, any time.
I’ve always been a big Honda fan (first car was a ‘95 Prelude), but I didn’t even think of this car when I was buying. That was simply due to the fact that I think it looks terrible and I’d never be caught owning one for that reason alone. I’m sure it’s great to drive and most definitely is faster than the Mazda3 I…