
There's always something there, but that specific display is not across the lineup.

Yes, the lower ones guide air to the brakes, the top one is a visual element to break up the grille insert.

I don't think we debated it, that is our prominent drivetrain and chassis tech, this is our halo product, we wanted to bringthose two together.

It fits in the ergonomic spectrum, so yes.

It's impossible to go for a casual drive, everytime I take it out, 3 or 4 people corner me, which is great, that's the point.


Everything had to be considered to hit our weight goals, blacked out window frame is the only option.

Nope, the design is theirs, the tophat, ours is ours.

These are the headlights.

I think they complement each other.

The debate was how we tie the history of the car along with the aggressiveness that we wanted, and how we gain new customers that might not have previously considered a Miata. You have to respect the core DNA of what this car is about. We had a strong feeling we needed a modern take on it.

The silhouette has some NB in it, a certain feline quality that the NA and the NC, I draw some parallel with the taillights, and a comparison with the mouth, though the execution is different. If you look at NC and NB there is a connection. The simplicity is still there, but we have more expression in the interior.

#1 - answered before

Eastbound and Down, man, Detroit Style.

What does that even mean?

MX5 is always the answer.

Can't be specific on the trunk size, it'll depend on how big your amp is.

Cool proportions, definitely captured RX-7 in the cabin, but it's missing the mouth! Needs to be a little simpler too.

It's a combination of things, engine position has helped with that. The centerline is low, but it's also deceiving because it keeps the fenders high. We've pulled the hood and the lights quite low too. There is a specific technology that helps with pedestrian impact. We used a number of tricks to make it look lower.

We're all car design enthusiasts, we're influenced by a lot of different cars. We're big Italian car fans, that's some influence. We're well versed in the classic in terms of compact roadsters, we're always studying that. We can't point to any specific car, we wanted a car that was distinctly Mazda and distinctly