Mia Passione

I've been rewatching Series 1-4, and had to say how accurately this review captured David's final performance (at least at that time). I concur with all the high points, and the weaknesses, and only wish, as you pointed out, that there could have been one single Doctor/Donna encounter where it ended in a fond nod or

Just wanted to add some more praise on this one (albeit years and years after this epi aired — so MAJOR SPOILER ALERT). This story was truly exceptional. SM had to have been largely unaware of how he would use her character in future stories — not yet having taken the reins from RTD — yet he still found a way to

Revisiting this episode years after it was reviewed here (my compliments on that, as well as on the comments)… Those final interactions at Bad Wolf Bay boiled down to one glaring problem that the Doctor needed to solve: He now had a half-human twin, and an old girlfriend he dearly wanted to do right by. I think he