
Ronnie Jr.’s the liberal son, is/was a host on Air America and MSNBC. The other one (Michael, I think) is the one who cares about Reagan’s conservative legacy.

Another Ohio voter, a retired steelworker named John Melody, put a finer point on it: “I thought the girl just wanted the job because she wanted to be the boss, that’s all,” he said.

Trump: “My son is beautiful, Barron.”

If Trump has said more than 500 words to Barron in his entire life, I’d be shocked. 

This gif was my legit reaction when I heard him say he would kiss everyone. Repulsive.

Hey be fair, Cruz and Rubio are only 49.

Summation of the night: Friend texted me from his apartment complex and said an elderly neighbor had a heart attack screaming at the goddamn television trying to will Trump to shut the fuck up. The paramedics loaded him up and carted him off with his wife.

The POTUS openly pandered to a gang, during a debate on live television. Makes me sick how far we done fell.

He then followed up the stand by order with a call to his nazi vigilante militia groups to terrorize citizens at the polls. We are beyond fascism now. This despot is happy to see cities burns to stay in office.

So, you can have an armed interaction with a cop and not get shot?

Must be nice to have a police officer buddy to peacefully take you into custody when you’re sitting on a pile of guns...

I’ve said recently that they just have seemed too, too confident that there will be no repercussions for anything they’ve done, that they will not be held to account by a new regime, and that said to me that they have always had something up their sleeve, whether it’s a massive rigging of voting machine software, or

Is everyone clear about what they are trying here?

God, just kill me.

And there is resounding silence from the GOP in response to Trump's statement. Cheating is fine as long as it benefits them.

Not from academia but she kinda gets the best of both worlds. She gets the authority to speak as a poc and put other white people in their place, which judging from her harsh tweets must feel good, but then she doesn’t have to experience any of the lived burden of actually being a poc.

Yeah, I don’t see what the hullabaloo is all about. It’s a lap. Laps are for cats and occasionally other people’s bums.

OH LORD. I’m actually going to defend this family. (deep breath)

Tulsi might be carrying water for QAnon, you say?