
Reest in peace, my man.

Whoa so edgy.. go fuck yourself.. people of all ages are dying..

Man Boomer Remover is such a “funny” joke. Would you be willing to share it with your grandparents, or your friend’s grandparents? Ask Italy/Spain/France/China how FUCKING FUNNY IT IS.

This is me.  My life is virtually unchanged, except I’m no longer eating out.

Yeah, I think if you were expecting any kind of self-reflection on the part of anyone at Jezebel and/or Bernie stans, bonne chance...

I read that article and rolled my eyes. Bernie followers love phrases like “warn of a massive exodus” the same way they warned about a massive voting revolution that would put Bernie in power.

Same, same, same. Right down the line.

Well said.

There have been Sanders supporters who don’t play nicely with others on the internet, who don’t realize that sneering at others who generally agree on many of the same lefty issues is not productive, who revel in the clout that comes with embarrassing some verified Twitter user over a lukewarm Sanders take. And I

This is also true. Some of the shit about Bernie Bros is overblown, but watching the way Warren got shit on in the stretch run of this campaign by Bernie supporters, culminating with Bernie supporters absolutely astonished that she was hesitant to endorse him was really something.  Like, you really have to take a step

Also, Warren can’t tweet without hate from Bernie supporters. It’s hard to shift support to him when you liked someone as amazing and who did so much as she has done when his supporters need reporting. Seriously, that hate can put such a bad taste in a person’s mouth, along with Bernie’s record of doing less than

This honestly isn’t true, because the demographics Sanders has staked his campaign on are unreliable voters. They couldn’t even carry him to the Democratic nomination, much less carry him to victory in a general election. Frankly, as much as it pains Bernie’s fans to hear, Biden has more of a chance of appealing to

So Bernie lovers might not get their candidate on the ballot in November.
Sure, it’s a bit of a bummer.
BUT when the ultimate choice comes down between an actual human with the capacity for empathy, the ability to take responsibility for his actions and admit when he’s wrong, and a genuine interest in trying to do

Bernie’s supporters always seem to approach his candidacy as if it’s an inherent reality that young people are better, or more worthy, or more valuable. Votes, in the end, are valuable, and all people are valuable, as everyone’s effort to shelter and protect the elderly happens now. WHY does Biden need to win over

You have no clue of what you’re talking about. People here work their asses off, often well over the 8 hours they’re supposed to put in. If you lived somewhere where for a third of the year temperatures in populated areas routinely reach levels not that far off death valley levels and people literally die from the

If social trends follow the infection trend of the virus itself, then this is Coming Soon to the USA.

Wow I’m sure you also think all Mexicans wear sombreros and all Chinese have bucked teeth.

There’s usually a 50% chance employees just don’t show up at all for the second half of the day.

“The factory had at least one case of coronavirus and 23 workers in quarantine”