
I love Rachel.

So odd. Breaking the rules seems to have worked very well for Trump.

That's something I’d actually watch!

Shouldn’t there be at least one adult in the room?

A lot more people voted in the primary vs. the caucus (nearly 1.3 million primary votes).

Jia, I love you. Thank you for writing this. I saw David Brook’s article earlier and was stunned that he could be so utterly clueless. This election year might do me in yet, but your words have extended my sanity.

“Her time to go”...because that should be a totally normal and common cause of death for a child in a first world country. WTF.

Jesus Christ, please tell me they didn’t actually say that?!

YES. And there’s the difference. In 2008, we weren’t facing the possibility of a DONALD TRUMP presidency. We’re standing on the edge of a cliff right now.

The last time someone commented on my cat being fatter (they said it in front of her...so rude!), I could swear I caught her looking despondently at herself in the mirror.

Jesus Christ. Hillary Derangement Syndrome has infiltrated every corner of the internet. Even my mom, who only recently mastered the art of emailing, asked me yesterday if I’d heard the rumor about the Clintons being cocaine fiends. God, I can’t wait until this election’s over.

SPOT ON. That’s word-for-word what they’ll say. They’re nothing if not predictable.

HAHA @ people body-shaming your cat. My cat is very familiar with this as well.

Jesus Christ. Did he at all understand the stupidity of his statements? Morning Joe guy is the same way. 5 minutes after he praised Trump shouting at a rally, he turned around and criticized Hillary for “yelling” in a clip where she was speaking in a normal voice.

I know someone who does that... “awww, I love old people, they’re so cute!” It’s so incredibly patronizing, and I can tell she has no clue how it comes off.

I remember watching Morning Joe once – they were showing clips of Trump shouting at his rallies, interspersed with Joe Scab heaping compliments on him (their usual Trump ass-kissing). Fast forward to the democratic coverage, and Joe starts on a rant about how Hillary Clinton yells too much, and how annoyed he gets

LOL right?? As a woman, I always hold the door for the next person, regardless of who it is. But I’ve found that women are just as likely as men to hold it for me, too.

All the stars for you!

I don’t think he can help himself. I’m sure his handlers were cringing, but there was nothing they could do. That’s an enormously weak point for him – he’s so thin-skinned that it’s very easy to bait him.

Bernie supporters have been attacking Castro: