
I didn’t think my crush on Abby Wambach could get any bigger — I was WRONG.

I thought I was straight in grade school because I had crushes on boys. When I started having crushes on butch girls, too (on hitting puberty), I realized I was bi. It seems my attraction to (butch) women is just intensifying as I age, leading me to think that I might be completely gay by the time I’m 80.

I remember a kid in my third grade class always had these in his lunchbox. He also had sausage fingers and it used to make me nauseous to watch him eat.



I thought this was an exceptionally bad picture of Nicole Richie.

That gif is HARD to watch. I need to scrub my eyes.

This picture perfectly encapsulates the disparity between ideals for men and ideals for women.

I dunno...I’d rather wash dishes than clean the toilet any day!

I do. My hands are sensitive because I probably wash them too much, so doing the dishes without gloves kills them. Like other people have mentioned, you can also get away with using scalding hot water that way.

I’m trying to understand how he was able to flip completely upside down like this. Were there heavy winds?

I wish I could give you more stars. The “blessed” thing annoys the shit out of me.

I hear you. I never check Facebook or Instagram anymore because I get so irritated by all the humblebragging. It exposes you to a side of people previously unseen (or at least previously somewhat hidden). When you can tell that every post is carefully crafted to maintain a fake public persona, it’s incredibly

That's a lot of fog machines.

Hah! Brilliant idea. If I'm ever approached by pro-lifers, I'll follow your example. :)

That makes sense. But I also read that it had something to do with eyebrows? SO CONFUSED. Was that purposely thrown out into internet land to confuse the olds?

New Wavers...lol! I haven't heard that term in years.

I just took the test, got a perfect score of 0 and I only see white and gold on the dress. :p

"(Males on Facebook who appropriated "health goth" from a woman for your shitty musical project: we see you.)"

"In closing, that men are being invited to masturbate to a size 12 rather than a size 2 is not really some big win for women."