Frankly, this could be said about all of Billy’s articles.
Frankly, this could be said about all of Billy’s articles.
While I and most others writing about him now, after the hotly contested courtship that involved pretty much all the game’s biggest clubs finally came to a close when Barcelona announced yesterday that they’d won the Ajax man’s hand in marriage for a hefty €75 million (the ceremony is set for this coming summer), have…
I demand that all MLB scoreboards say BANISHED! after every home run.
Carroll: This sure looks like an inside job.
INBOX: [SPAM] Re: re: re: re: Greetings from Nigeria!
Do you think that Murray would disagree with any of the points you think he “left out”?
I mean you turn an article about how Andy Murray is trying to do some good into how Andy Murray isn’t doing good enough with a single unnecessary paragraph.
it’s worth noting what he’s missing.
How could anyone vote for Trump.
If a tree is removed and no one was around to witness it, was it ever really there?
“Between his disappointing on-court performance and his curious off-court remarks, there feels like a story here that no one is telling.”
You guys already told it. According to your reports, he apparently went gluten-free because his quack doctor put a piece of bread on his stomach and convinced him it was doing bad…
Honestly, I don’t understand the uproar. 7 people were killed by US missiles yesterday. We even gave their allies warning before launching them.
Jimmy Butler is also familiar with the 10 plagues—he refers to the NBA Draft as passover.
Because they’re told so.
Can anyone explain to me why dumb people think people who aren’t in the country legally can get on welfare? It’s already too hard for people who have never even left the country to get government assistance.
Pretty sure something good will come from this. It’s like they always say, when life gives you raw beef, make tartare.