"Lucky" Ralph Von Albertson

On the plus side people are actually caring about the WNBA.

No Kluwe.

If you had to choose between going to Rio for the Olympics and talking baseball with a hardcore Cardinals fan, how long do you think you’d last in Brazil without getting mugged/killed?


This is nice.

That was a risky click on my work computer.

I’ll never make a mistake again.

I get the joke now, cool.


How did I make this joke or how do you not get the joke?

Interesting that the Redskins and Braves both have reservations about other people taking what’s their’s.

Something, something, Hillary Clinton.

When will Cardinal’s fans stop?

She’s a bitch.

I haven’t seen anything ignored that bad since Pablo Sandoval’s diet.

This is nice.

That horse is dead but I like when you beat it.

-1 Father

A herb with Sage

+1 You tryin’ to get this pipe